Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Altering The Cast

Originally we wanted to have a group of Russian A2 students to be the mercinaries in our thriller, but due to them not being able to be pulled out of school for a day (bogus) we are unable to use them as our mercs. This has meant that we have had to find new AS actors. It also means that rather than four soildiers, we now have two, Mike Azaurturov and Raffique. Again, we have picked them because they are both older looking Russian speakers who, on camera at least, would just about be able to pass for mercinaries. We still have Ted Jackson and Richard Hartman as planned in the roles of the bad guys who get shot and killed by the Russians. Although the main cast has been altered, we may also be able to get a few more additional soldiers for a few hours in the afternoon to shoot a few takes.

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